The solar plexus chakra, which rules your power center, is located in the abdomen.

Therefore, a dream of pain in this region is probably due to the activation of this chakra – and therefore is a dream of contrary. Even though you’re feeling pain, the associated chakra activity is increasing your level of power – physical, mental and spiritual – and thus is a harbinger of success and good fortune lying ahead.

Dreaming of the actual organ of digestion is very likely a pun.

If in the dream you’re feeling sick at your stomach, look to other symbols in the dream to see what is going on in your life that you “can’t stomach.” If you dream of eating and feel that your stomach is full to bursting, perhaps you’ve been taking on more responsibilities than you should and need to delegate a few. Dreaming of exposing your abdomen in any way, even if it only involves wearing a bikini, is a sign of treachery ahead. Be careful whom you confide in.