Popular: (arab).: in one be: a misfortune will do you to the desperation, see: remain quiet and sensible, the danger passes, - also: Bad luck and disappointment are to be expected. (European ones).: tells a grief being in, - by unforeseen and a disappointment 'one falls from all clouds'. (ind).: heavy dangers pass and pleasant relations enter. Skyscraper Association: - Striving for higher, - worldly aims. Question: - What would like I to reach? How high is I to be climbed ready? In general: Skyscraper mostly warns about arrogance, pride or pompous plans, - one will thereby get easily in difficulties. Psychologically: If a woman dreams of a skyscraper without window, this registers that she finds no humanely mental contact to her respect partner. A skyscraper symbolises the mental frustration. The building in himself the pure sexual satisfaction. Popular: (European ones).: see: it is provided for the fact that the trees do not grow in the sky what one will soon experience in a person of his surroundings, live in one: one lives in the wrong house, this anonymous isolation does not agree. (ind).: see: is not so haughty.