In general: With us seldom and then only in big dreams the potter seems. Who is familiar with religious legends, knows that God goes as a moulder of the people from the loam of the earth under the simile of the divine potter. To him it is pointed out in such dreams, because the vessel of our life is hardened in the fire of the stove. If we ourselves are the dream potter, we have to form ourselves and to put in the fire of the purification. Psychologically: Potter (discs) make clear external influence which stamped own life, - maybe one must free himself more of it to be able to be realised. Also he brings as it were another form in our life. If we ourselves are the potter, we must find from own strength another life form. Popular: (arab).: you has good friends who help over and over again. (European ones).: points to lasting employment and satisfactory results, see working: concludes by good and pleasant, Seeing a young woman a potter, she will take pleasure of amusing engagements. (ind).: passing danger. (See also pot)