medicine wheel: Key words: Spring, - hope, - beauty, - song. Description: The redbreast, a small songbird with a reddish or orange breast, seems almost everywhere in the world. He trills a wonderful song which allows to pause the person in his work and perceive therefore the nature. The redbreast is often seen as a symbol of the spring and hope. General meaning: A new beginning, - a song of the beauty inside or appearance, - spring tiredness, - increasing Musikalität or admission readiness for music. Association: - Transcendent meaning: Gift of hope. Popular: (arab).: a sign for tender inclination, - bearer of dear messages and generally happy, good news, - (4, - 28, - 56) also: a good friend helps you in the need, feed: you are done down. (European ones).: one of the most luck-promising omens of the nature, - tells happy success in, one see: indicates tender, growing feelings in and is bearer of dear messages and happy news.