Popular: (arab).: see: irritating things will strike you, see playing: glad event at home, - also: Success in his enterprises may expect, see running: a disagreeable message expects you, see scrapping: in quarrel and quarrel get, - also: one watches out to be involved in bad matters, - also: you will pass a competition, see learning: you get good employees, see bathing: Frustration get, see crying: you are ashamed to an action, see laughing: you will be angry. (European ones).: see: if luck or new arrival to the family, promises see one with beard: Illness. (ind).: new arrival to the family, see scuffling: you will be got involved by friends in an ugly matter, see playing: you can be happy about your enterprises, inform: Luck in your plan. (See also 'gods', 'boy', 'children')