medicine wheel: Key words: Empire, powerfully, - holy, - stupidly, - connection with the earth, - blocking. Description: The turkey or turkey is a big bird with a small, callow head. Originally there was in the United States a big number of wild Truthühner. How many other animals were nearly exterminated they überjagt than the European colonists sat down here and. The turkey was holy to many natives of North America and was respected by the first Europeans. Yes, nearly the turkey and not the eagle would have become the symbol of the United States. Some trunks close to the earth believed that the eagle represents the sky and the turkey the earth. Truthühner can be easily domesticated, partly, because they are sociable. While one says of tame turkeys, they lack intelligence (a fact which is underpinned by the numerous turkey's fledglings drowning in her Wassernäpfen), her wild brothers and sisters were rather clever and could fly, at least, short distances and search for themselves high in the trees her sleeping places. General meaning: Fullness in your life, - understanding of the depth of your connection with the earth, - a tip to the fact which feelings you have on the subject Community. Association: Tasty, low-calorie meat. Transcendent meaning: Gift of the fullness. Popular: (arab).: see cock: fall out with an unacceptable person, many hens see: in excitement about the behaviour of his relatives and friends get, - also: Wealth and honour. (European ones).: points to difficult traffic among friends, also promises a difficult job, - also: Signs for quarrel in the domestic like professional, see: meant domestic prosperity, - it waves an excellent harvest, flying ones see: announce a quick rise to big fame, on the way to the market: the shops will take a recognizable impetus, ill or dead ones see: own pride will suffer by urgent economy measures, on the hunt shoot: if is valid as a thoughtless accumulation of wealth, eat: a festive event approaches. (ind).: see: now your time is not especially good, - you will get in mißliche relations, eat: control your nerves. (See also 'birds')