In general: Because only few people use a fountain pen, the meaning of ink is not so big any more. Earlier she referred in dreams to the ability in clear communication. Ink sometimes asks to pay attention more to the unconscious and his messages. Maybe one should also more exactly plan in advance an intention or bring a matter, finally, to the end. If one sees the ink, can warn about anonymous defamation. The ink blot is often interpreted as a feeling of guilt. Psychologically: Who writes with her, gets the tip to keep in the awake life rather to written because verbal agreements could be wrong laid out. Who buries ink, puts unconsciously a big point behind an agreement which kicks in his favours. The ink blot is to be laid out more positively than other blots. At the intellectual level ink symbolises the ability to bring knowledge in a demanding manner to the application. Spiritually: At the spiritual level ink has particularly for magic methods a meaning with which it was used to step with par-abnormal powers in contact. Popular: (arab).: see: a problem will free itself unexpectedly, - also: a request to do everything to reconcile itself again with a person, - also: Care before written definition, - Voreiligkeit could cause bad results, write with it: something must certify, - also: you get important news from wide distance, shop: you plan a bigger work, bury: you should not write down your annoyance, swallow: you are very rash. (pers).: a good omen: An old problem can be soon solved unexpectedly. The dreaming person must recognise only one certain opportunity as the right one and act accordingly. (European ones).: reminder in execution of floating things, - also: one becomes a plan for which one fought for a long time, finally, can put through, see: one should get involved not in loose promises or arrangements, but fix exactly everything if one moves up with something in one, - one himself is the supplier, one should commit himself not hasty then this can have bad results, - also: one should undertake everything to achieve a reconciliation with a certain person, ink bottles: if enemies and misses, prophesy write with it: Reconciliation with friends or female friends, - a preserved document will soon be of great importance, produce: promises that one must deal with low works and proceeds in questionable society, bury: meant the unfavorable exit of an arrangement, - also: if a separation of the dreams forecasts, make a spot of ink on a clean piece of paper: if means a foreign bed and a trip which come up on one ink in the fingers: means that one will injure jealousy to somebody if one does not reflect on his good character, - red ink embodies serious problems, of ink see dirty clothes: one will have to resign himself to many small meanness and to envy, A young woman who sees ink in the dream will have to suffer the abusive lungs of a rival. (ind).: shop: you will get a message, see: one wants to slander you with your superiors, drink: you make silly pranks. (See also spot, blot, pencil)