Psychologically: They hold it with 'devout Helene' from Wilhelm Bush: 'Who has worries, also has liqueur.' The sweet stuff with the hidden Promillen is valid as a symbol for the 'escape' from stress and worries in an artificially enforced relaxation - for example, by alcohol or other 'intoxicating' tension regulators. The sweetness of the liqueur is still valid as an additional tip that to you the life 'too harsh' has become and you would like to nibble with pleasure in the 'sweetness of the love'. A warning could also resonate before (self-destructive) 'vicarious satisfactions' and an inclination to the addiction behaviour in this dream. Popular: (arab).: see or with others drink: give to the flatterers who would like to beguile you, no faith, only or in togetherness drink: one little dear hour waits for you. (European ones).: see: one watches out for flatteries, - also: if a tryst and sweet pleasures, promises shop: one helps himself illegally of a property on which one has no claim, sell: one must pocket criticism because of the stinginess, serve or offer: one has to other towards confidential intentions, drink: one will get in a kind or affectionate embrace. (ind).: your joy will be from short duration. (See also alcohol)