Psychologically: The body zone between heart and gender translates the connection of feeling and desire and stands (spiritual) also for the 'connection upper with the lower area', the consciousness with the unconscious. To whom it hurts there in the dream, maybe has to count in the awake life on a painful experience in the love. Hip can point with women to the wish for a child, - in general she often provides information about the health which should be good above all with strong hip. Artemidoros: One has to understand the hips, the abdomen and the whole body part up to the strips as a symbol of the physical strength and the property. If any suffering strikes these body parts, consequently it prophesies on the one hand to the body illness, on the other hand, miserable living conditions. Popular: (arab).: Dreaming one, his hips have become bigger and stronger, he will find in his women, he is single, to his heir fallen. he will abhor Being the hips sunkenly and become weak, his women. Dreaming to one, him the hips are cut in the middle, he will lose all hope which he has put on his women and relatives and die away from home. nice, strong ones have: you will receive happy descendants, turn: you are defeated by a temptation, glide: Child blessing. (European ones).: mainly women's dream with what the wish for child blessing is connected, see: one will get nice children, good-formed admire: one is scolded by a woman, stronger becoming ones: if health registers, thickens hips with animals see: prophesied carelessness and joy, broken ones: Affliction and loss of children, this is admired a woman her own hips, a sign for disappointments in the love. Believing a woman, her hips are too narrow, illness and disappointments announce themselves. Believing a woman, her hips are too thick, she runs the risk to lose her good call. (ind).: The hips mean the person of the dreaming because all strength is anchored in them. Tallness, very wide and strong hips promises vigour, joy, health and child wealth. Seeming it one, these body parts have broken or he cannot move as a result of her weakness, he will get in misery and illness and remain childless. to dream, the hips are by beating or sword slashes zerschunden, means quick death.