Psychologically: Hardness (for example, of an object) can symbolise cruelty, stubbornness, principle cavalry and lack of emotion and then request to behave more adaptably, to take part more in the life more different according to feeling. Who knocks himself in the dream against hard objects (or on hard ground falls) and to itself, besides injures, it deals with a reflexion of his present situation: The life has become to him 'too hard', everywhere he hits on opposition ('Edge and corners'), and he has from the 'hard reality' simply enough. He feels as psychic injured, demands too much in general and urgently needs a phase of the regeneration and security. An exhaustion dream which is to be understood as a 'red map': To think high time, more of himself and his individual needs! Popular: (arab).: suffer: you are too tractable, one uses it. attack: you should not shrink back from an opponent.