Psychologically: Dream scenes can change as fast as a blink of an eye. Faces change apparently for no reason and without advance warning. While one looks at one more object in the dream, one must find out at the next moment that he was suddenly substituted with another. In the dream objects can accept the qualities which belong to other objects. Released by the logic which leads the normal everyday life the dreaming another consciousness develops with regard to his abilities, possibilities and thought patterns, even with regard to his past. Hallucinations in the dream release the mind, so that he is able at its own discretion 'herumstreunen' and concealed recollections, pictures and thoughts in a manner to the surface brings which allow to the dreaming to work with them in a manner which is not possible in the everyday life. Differently than the everyday life which puts creative actions in an already available reality such a dream creates a reality specially for an action, and she is still so unreal. Therefore, in this sense, for example, an abused child would leave the real abuse in the dream consistently, but substitute for the reality, so involved people, certain localities as well as the emotional assessment of the events, with another. Spiritually: At the spiritual level a hallucination experienced in the dream is a direct message from the unconscious.