Psychologically: If the dreamer sees himself or somebody other with a Kehrschaufel dirt zusammenfegen, the unconscious admits no other end when we should master mental which has already attached patina. Who searches something in the rubbish, maybe wants to find the splinter in the eye of the neighbour and overlooks the beam in the own. The unconscious uses here the picture, one should sweep better for the moment before his own door. Popular: (arab).: rubbish heaps see: Incommodities in the house, - also: the expectations are deceived, largely: your good time with luck begins, small: small income, little work, clear: after deceived expectations follow better circumstances. (European ones).: in the life is still to be cleaned a lot if everything should go flatly, see: meant a profit, look a little bit in it without finding it: one will endanger his situation by an unadvised enterprise, find money in it: sends a reminder to the good preservation of the wallet before thieves, in such hineintreten: if Widerwärtigkeiten tells in, another hineintreten see: one will prepare unintentionally for another annoyance. (ind).: rubbish heaps see: Increase of the prosperity, hineintreten: Incommodities in the house being. (See also rubbish)