Islamic Interpretation of Dreams (Ibn-i Sirin):

(Nag) A workhorse in a dream represents man’s endeavor and serious striving.

The more fit a workhorse in a dream, the better is one’s determination and drive.

Ifa workhorse speaks to a man in a dream, it means income and fame. Riding on the back of a workhorse in a dream means taking a long journey, or it could mean taking money from one’s wife.

If a dog attacks a workhorse in a dream, it represents an enemy who will follow his wife.

A blond workhorse in a dream means sad news.

A workhorse in a dream also means a conflict, a foreigner, a wife, a husband or a servant.

A gray workhorse in a dream represents a high rank, and a black workhorse means prosperity.

(Also see Horse)